Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The Pro's of being a FagHag

According to the Office National of statistics (ONS) there are 481,000 Gay/Lesbians in the UK and 245,000 bisexuals.

54.6% of these individuals are gay men; now the statistic of the camp Louie Spence's I do not know, but what I do know is these are the BESTEST kind of friends to have.

Like a blind person needs their trusting guide dog, everygirl needs herself a man. But I'm not talking about just any kind of guy, no she needs the mincing man himself her 'BGFF' Best Gay Friend Forever. These friends are nothing short of fabulous and a definite essential in any gal's life. Not only do they give you the best inside information on how a guy's brain really works ( a mystery to all women), they provide us with the Do's and Don'ts within the wardrobe department. Whilst we are on the subject of departments, when it comes to sleepovers and spooning, spooning leading into forking NEVER is a problem. In addition, you don't have to worry about waking up the next day with the dreaded fear of catching a glimpse of you with no makeup on and untamed bed hair, for the simple reason, they are gay!

So here are the top 5 reasons why being a 'FagHag'  is the best...

Numero Un: Who else is going to tell you that you arse actually does look fat in those jeans? Girlfriends always want to make you feel better about yourself; you know the whole building up your friend's self-esteem thing. On the other hand your BGFF will be brutally honest and tell you like it is which may leave you feeling a little wounded that we weren't all blessed with a JLo booty. But you will thank him in the end for saving you the embarrassment of displaying your sizable muffin top to the world.

Numero Deux: Having a guy as your best friend (gay or straight) is a massive advantage at times as they can dish the dirt on how a man really thinks. The classic case of Shall I text him? Does he like me? If I sleep with him on the first night, will he think I'm a slut? These things he can answer truthfully, even if it the answer isn't the one you want to hear, for example: No you have only just text him 30 seconds ago, relax! He does like you but you need to play it cool and stop facebook stalking him. And of course, The quicker you put out, the quicker he loses interest.

Numero Trois: If you ever find yourself in the middle of an arguement, don't panic all you need is your secret weapon - your BGFF. No one can talk the talk the way your feminine friend can. As the saying goes HATERZ GUNNA HATE.

Numero Quatre: One of the best things about having a BGFF is when you're in need of saving from some drunken 'lad' who thinks he can grab you like a gypsy from My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. I DON'T THINK SO! This is when you're mincing shining knight in Prada can step in and pretend to be your ever loving boyfriend.

Numero Cinq: Last but not least, the best thing about having a BGFF is the fact that you have a bestfriend who will be there for you no matter what, comfort you in your hour of need and will love you unconditionally. Also he won't mind watching every episode of Sex and The City with you whilst you both bitch about who would mostly be like Samantha and  how no-one would ever want to be compared to Miranda.

A best friend with impeccable taste, shares your interest in men AND  protects you like a boyfriend... what more could you want?

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